Former residents

Falk Töpfer

Dresden, 1983.

Guillermo Pfaff

Barcelona, 1976 

Diego Pujal

 Buenos Aires, 1971.

Stella Rahola Matutes

Barcelona, 1980. 

Marla Jacarilla

Alcoy, 1980. 

Luciana Damiani

Montevideo (Uruguay), 1982. 

Milena Rossignoli

Quito, 1990.

Luca Benites

Brasilia, 1981

Tom Carr

Tarragona, 1956.

Paloma Navares

Burgos, 1947.

Oriol Llauradó

 Barcelona, 1972.

Periodo de residencia en Piramidón: (1) 2009 - 2010. (2) 2016.

Obra: Oriol Llauradó realiza retrato urbano y retrato en movimiento.

Hay una reflexión sobre algunos de los postulados de Edward Muybridge, William Friese-Greene, Louis Le Prince y Cézanne sobre la cinética de los cuerpos y su implementación en el retrato contemporáneo. El retrato, como elemento único e irrepetible puede constituirse como objeto central de este experimento y a partir de él se desarrolla el contenido de la propuesta.

Una manera de abordar esta reflexión es a través del vídeo, medio que utiliza el artista para encadenar secuencias.

Últimas exposiciones:

- Galeria Juan Ruiz. ArtBO. Bogotá, 2010. 

- Galeria Juan Ruiz. Arteamericas. Miami, 2009.

- Galeria Juan Ruiz. FIA. Caracas. 2008.

- Galeria Juan Ruiz. Art Miami. 2008.


Martín Carral

Meruelo, Cantabria, 1959.

Period of residence in Piramidón:

February 1997 - December 2000

Work: In constant dialog with vital space, the cosmos and energy, Martin Carral shows us a fourth reality where the form is converted into matter, pure energy, tension and balance.
Using the fundamentals of painting as his point of departure, Carral separates the machine from its industrial setting in order to show it to us as both liberated and rhythmic. The concentric circles that are present in his works remind us of the music of the spheres, of that other fleeting and nearly imperceptible reality.

Latest exhibitions:

- In space, Trama Gallery, Barcelona, 2011.
- Parallel visions II, Canals Gallery, Sant Cugat del Vallès, 2008.
- Space artifacts, Art Observatory, Arnuero, Cantabria, 2006.

Mario Pasqualotto

Barcelona, 1953.

Period of residence in Piramidón:

December 1993 - June 2005

Work: Mario Pasqualotto invites reflection with his works which are created from a rich assortment of materials. Everyday objects; plastics and metals, are all subjected to the will of the artist to create a narrative stemming from deconstruction, and with the ultimate goal of reaching a new construction. The object loses its semantics and approaches new meanings and associations.
Life, the passage of time, death, or barbarism are some of the themes that guide the artist in his investigative process, which lies within a fragile balance between the hard and the sensitive; between the critical and the poetic.

Latest exhibitions:
- Os Huyn Gallery, NY, 2004.
- If this is a man, Gallery Canem, Castellón, 2004.
- Wulbari, E. P.A. Center for Contemporary Art, Turin, 2003.

Hernan Ardila

Santa Fe de Bogotá, 1963.

Period of residence in Piramidón:

May 1999 - September 2007

Work: Painter, photographer, and lithographer, Hernan Ardila creates austere works, devoid of stories and messages to decipher. The color areas in constant motion invite silence, the initiator of all poetic language.
The color planes with hard edges and compositional fragments focus on both the spatial value of the form and on the time of the repetitions and variations of the line, the color and the material.
In his work there is a deep and sincere inquiry, although at the same time light, sensible and practical, on the meaning and the feeling of things.

Latest exhibitions:

- Esther Montoriol Gallery, Barcelona, 2013.


Gil Antonio Munuera

Murcia, 1980.

Periodo de residencia en Piramidón: Octubre de 2010 - Junio de 2011.

Obra: Las relaciones de polaridad y semejanza entre arte y ciencia, cultura y naturaleza, son la base del trabajo de Gil Antonio Munuera. El artista se interesa por el estudio de la materia en estado de transformación, el mundo sutil e imperceptible desde el que se genera la forma.

Asumiendo diferentes roles según la naturaleza de los proyectos que realiza, el estilo y las preocupaciones formales se ven relegadas a su interés por la experimentación y las revelaciones del medio. 

A lo largo de su trayectoria artística ha indagado repetidamente temas como "la visión, los espacios de transición físico-psicológicos, lo embrionario o lo oculto, al tiempo que le han servido como vehículo para tratar de fondo las nociones de orden y caos, control y azar. 

Últimas exposiciones:

- Luz Negra, LAB, Murcia, 2015.

- La lente de Diamante, Galería Artnueve, Murcia, 2014. 

- La luz es como el Agua, Sala Caballerizas, Molinos del Río, Murcia, 2014.



Eduard Resbier

Barcelona, 1968.

Damià Vives

Artà, 1981. 

Període de residència a Piramidón: Octubre de 2012 - Gener de 2013.

Obra: Damià Vives es considera recol·lector de signes latents de la realitat. Aquests signes es focalitzen en conductes, pautes i hàbits socials fruit de l'obervació com a individu condicionat i afectat pel context social que l'envolta. 

L'artista té la necessitat de presentar o representar gràficament allò no visible a partir de l'observació i l'estudi i a través d'un treball metòdic, automatitzat, sistematitzat i depurat. 

Finalment, busca mitjançant la pràctica artística formes i/o fórmules de representar aquestes conductes per veure-les i/o entendre-les millor.

Últimes exposicions:

- Archivo intervenido. Ciudad tomada, Festival de Arte Contemporáneo de Saltillo en la Gazeta de Saltillo, Mèxic, 2015.


- Damià Vives: més enllà de la línia, Espai B5-125, Bellaterra, Barcelona, 2013. 



Carmen Anzano

Barcelona, 1960.

Period of residence in Piramidón:

February 1997 - December 2000. 

Work: Painting, sculpture and installations are the disciplines that the author uses to create her argument with a common denominator: the concern for form. With the willingness to make stout forms, enhanced with an evocative flair, Anzano constructs bodies and presences that are conceived, at times as solitary islands and on other occasions forming archipelagos.
With a refined taste for vibrant pigments, the light gives continuous tonal variations while sliding across the undulating forms, denying the aparent stability of color. Although working with abstraction, her forms do not prevent the possibility of an immediate and decipherable blossom of the print of that which is rather human.

Latest exhibitions:
- Parallel visions II, Canals Gallery, Sant Cugat del Vallès, Barcelona, 2008.
- Weaving the landscape, the Art Observatory, Arnuero, Cantabria, 2007.
- Parallel Visions, Palace of Santillana del Mar, Obra Social Caja Cantabria, 2007.


Avelino Sala

Gijón, 1972. 

Period of residence in Piramidón: Since August 2014.

Work: The aesthetic —that also have a strong ethical— raised by Avelino Sala throughout his career articulate a discourse certainly personal, coherent, and yet complex in their readings and their looks.

The diversity of mechanisms employed and expressive languages, which include among others the video, sculpture, photography, neon, drawing or plural world of objects, keeps his (coherent) idea of art but at the same time complex on the diversity of views. 

His images, largely appear to us like allegories or metonymies that exemplify the loneliness of the individual, the frailties that are created in your own personal position, and in the interstices while underlying entities in the global discourse history, or flows and also questions about identity and memory that do nothing but affirm its perishability and missed, they belong to some sort of non-place.

Últimas exposiciones:

- Museo Arqueológico de la revuelta. Caseta Puente de Deusto. Bilbao. 2016. (Exposición individual)

- Tiempos Nuevos, Tiempos Salvaje. Museo Nacional del Sarape, Saltillo. México. 2016. (Exposición incividual)

- PIGS. Centro Museo ARTIUM. Vitoria. 2016.

- ARCO. Galeria ADN, Madrid. 2016




Albert Vergés

Tortosa, 1967

Period of residence in Piramidón:

May 2001 - January 2008

Work: A technical engineer in tele-communication, the artist Albert Vergés uses the binary code to express the complexity of the world. Vergés can reduce any   written discourse or numerical construction into a succession of zeros and ones, thus relating technology with art.

During the process of creation, the artist paints beside of a computer that translates the information into binary code. The coded words compel the viewer to travel a reverse path to rediscover the signs with which we are more accustomed to live.

Latest exhibitions:

- 100,000 Haikus, Roselles Gallery, Roses, 2006.

- Lei Wei, Kubiko Space, Madrid, 2005.

- Marketing MIX, Àmbit Art Gallery, Barcelona, 2004.




Jordi Cano

Vic, 1954.

Period of residence in Piramidón:

July 1994 - September 2008.

Work: The painter and engraver Jordi Cano uses a language based on the incorporation of literary resources combined with visual and formal findings that emerge from painting.
His work is nourished by fables and his pieces seem to have come forth from stories that evoke childlike innocence through his use of transparencies and the color white . Notwithstanding, the black silhouettes that appear on the surface of the paintings seem to deny this innocence, counterposing the characters of the classic children’s literature with the myths of modern and contemporary art.

Latest exhibitions:

- 7:00 AM, María José Castellví Gallery, 2003.
- Mª José Castellví Gallery, Barcelona, 2000.
- Trama Gallery, Barcelona, 1997.