Francisco Schütte

Caracas, Venezuela, 1991.

Period of residence in Piramidon: December 2020 to February 2021.

Work: Francisco Schütte approaches the sculptural fact based on his close relationship with architecture. He emigrated to Barcelona in 2019 after living twenty years of dictatorship. For him, sculpture and architecture occupy a physical space and create, in turn, negative spaces, a more direct and active involvement from the viewer who is enveloped by raw matter. An architectural language that expresses feelings can be appreciated in the selection of materials for the creation of his pieces, such as reinforced concrete, plaster, jute, and asphalt. He dichotomizes labyrinthine atmospheres into geometries and perspectives. The use of the individual as the protagonist of a story advances through an existential bureaucracy, seeking a horizon that he cannot unveil.

Latest exhibitions:

  • - 2021_n1, Piramidón Centre d'Art Contemporani, Barcelona, 2021.
  • - Exposición colectiva, Siu Generis. Barcelona, ​​2020.
  • - Exposición colectiva, LAB-20-1, Galeria Cerquone projects. Caracas, Venezuela, 2020.
  •  - Exposición individual, Haec Murum. Caracas, Venezuela, 2019.




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