David Bestué
Barcelona, 1980.
Period of residence in Piramidón:
December 2011 - February 2012.
Work: Author of the publications History of foam (2008), Enric Miralles on the left and the right (also without glasses) (2010) and Pure Formalism (2011), Bestué is situated on the summit of the contemporary art scene. After having been the 50% of the couple Bestué and Vives, the artist explores around the communicative strategies, seeking to go beyond that which is written.
Using different forms of expression, he looks for new ways to represent reality and explain things. As such, he uses uninhibited, ironic, and humorous language that allows direct communication with the viewer.
Latest exhibitions:
- Stones and poets, Estany de la Mota Gallery, Barcelona, 2013.
- Actions in the Universe (Bestué I Vives). Caixaforum, Barcelona, 2012.
- Difficult orders (Bestué i Vives). Galerie Crèvecoeur, Paris, 2011.
Web: www.davidbestue.net