Former residents

Carmen Anzano

Barcelona, 1960.

Period of residence in Piramidón:

February 1997 - December 2000. 

Work: Painting, sculpture and installations are the disciplines that the author uses to create her argument with a common denominator: the concern for form. With the willingness to make stout forms, enhanced with an evocative flair, Anzano constructs bodies and presences that are conceived, at times as solitary islands and on other occasions forming archipelagos.
With a refined taste for vibrant pigments, the light gives continuous tonal variations while sliding across the undulating forms, denying the aparent stability of color. Although working with abstraction, her forms do not prevent the possibility of an immediate and decipherable blossom of the print of that which is rather human.

Latest exhibitions:
- Parallel visions II, Canals Gallery, Sant Cugat del Vallès, Barcelona, 2008.
- Weaving the landscape, the Art Observatory, Arnuero, Cantabria, 2007.
- Parallel Visions, Palace of Santillana del Mar, Obra Social Caja Cantabria, 2007.


Avelino Sala

Gijón, 1972. 

Period of residence in Piramidón: Since August 2014.

Work: The aesthetic —that also have a strong ethical— raised by Avelino Sala throughout his career articulate a discourse certainly personal, coherent, and yet complex in their readings and their looks.

The diversity of mechanisms employed and expressive languages, which include among others the video, sculpture, photography, neon, drawing or plural world of objects, keeps his (coherent) idea of art but at the same time complex on the diversity of views. 

His images, largely appear to us like allegories or metonymies that exemplify the loneliness of the individual, the frailties that are created in your own personal position, and in the interstices while underlying entities in the global discourse history, or flows and also questions about identity and memory that do nothing but affirm its perishability and missed, they belong to some sort of non-place.

Últimas exposiciones:

- Museo Arqueológico de la revuelta. Caseta Puente de Deusto. Bilbao. 2016. (Exposición individual)

- Tiempos Nuevos, Tiempos Salvaje. Museo Nacional del Sarape, Saltillo. México. 2016. (Exposición incividual)

- PIGS. Centro Museo ARTIUM. Vitoria. 2016.

- ARCO. Galeria ADN, Madrid. 2016




Albert Vergés

Tortosa, 1967

Period of residence in Piramidón:

May 2001 - January 2008

Work: A technical engineer in tele-communication, the artist Albert Vergés uses the binary code to express the complexity of the world. Vergés can reduce any   written discourse or numerical construction into a succession of zeros and ones, thus relating technology with art.

During the process of creation, the artist paints beside of a computer that translates the information into binary code. The coded words compel the viewer to travel a reverse path to rediscover the signs with which we are more accustomed to live.

Latest exhibitions:

- 100,000 Haikus, Roselles Gallery, Roses, 2006.

- Lei Wei, Kubiko Space, Madrid, 2005.

- Marketing MIX, Àmbit Art Gallery, Barcelona, 2004.




Jordi Cano

Vic, 1954.

Period of residence in Piramidón:

July 1994 - September 2008.

Work: The painter and engraver Jordi Cano uses a language based on the incorporation of literary resources combined with visual and formal findings that emerge from painting.
His work is nourished by fables and his pieces seem to have come forth from stories that evoke childlike innocence through his use of transparencies and the color white . Notwithstanding, the black silhouettes that appear on the surface of the paintings seem to deny this innocence, counterposing the characters of the classic children’s literature with the myths of modern and contemporary art.

Latest exhibitions:

- 7:00 AM, María José Castellví Gallery, 2003.
- Mª José Castellví Gallery, Barcelona, 2000.
- Trama Gallery, Barcelona, 1997.

Khalid el Bekay

Casablanca, 1966.

Period of residence in Piramidón:

November 1997 - May 2012.

Work: The works of Khalid El Bekay are a crossroads of cultures, a forum where the artist’s thoughts and feelings express his most personal concerns.
At first sight, his works seem to hold the same parameter that identifies them with a personal stamp. However, El Bekay never falls into redundancy, despite the fact that he explains, time and again, similar situations. The color schemes and references to his origins are key features in a work of great expressive power.

Latest exhibitions:

- Individual exhibition, Galería Jorge Alcolea, Barcelona. 2019. 

- 30 de Cinquante, Soartgallery, Casablanca. 2017. Individual exhibition.

- Gerni-K, MX Art Gallery, Bilbao. 2017. Collective exhibition.

- AU-BEIJING, Fondation Hassan II, Rabat. 2016. Individual exhibition. 

- AU-BEIJING, Galería Espiral, Bilbao. 2015. Individual exhibition. 

- Los colores de la tierra, Sala "Albaicín", Palacio de Cultura Marqués de Albaicín, Noja. 2014. Individual exhibition. 

- Antoni Pinyol Gallery. Barcelona. 2012.

- Terre, Delacroix Gallery. Tangiers. 2012. Individual exhibition. 

- Torre Vella. Salou. 2012.

- Costantini Gallery. Milan. 2011


Paco García Barcos

Zaragoza, 1957.

Period of residence in Piramidón:

January 2007 - April 2011.

Work: The work of Paco García Barcos is an invitation to the world of the grotesque and the absurd. His work is arranged through collage and the interventions of both old and new objects from diverse places. The Fran Doutedetoute Impossible Store, one of the highlights of the artist, is a work in progress that Garcia Barcos is constantly changing and expanding. This work consists of an orderly accumulation of dolls, puppets, games, taxidermy, electrical toys, stories, and boxes.

Latest exhibitions:
- Bankers, Jokers, Fernando Latorre Gallery, Madrid, 2012.
- About how we love men. Puppet theater, Fernando Latorre Gallery, Madrid, 2008.
- Fran Doutedetoute. Impossible shop, H2O Gallery, Barcelona, 2007.
- Skull Circus, S. A. , Fernando Latorre Gallery, Madrid, 2006.


Video exposición Fran Doutedetoute. Impossible shop


Alicia Ibarra

Barcelona, 1961.

Period of residence in Piramidón:

August 2005 - April 2012.

Work: The landscape of Alicia Ibarra arises from an abstract experience, and approaches, little by little, the limits of figurative representation. This ambiguity makes it more disturbing and evocative. Ibarra wants to involve the viewers, suggesting a path through the quiet and detailed observation of the work, in order to be able to carry them much farther into their memory and to open new doors unto them.

Latest exhibitions:

- Area Two3Two Gallery, Barcelona, 2010.
- Etienne Gallery. Oisterwijk, the Netherlands, 2009.
- Kunstverein Bad Durkheim, Germany, 2009.



Estefanía Urrutia

 Madrid, 1981.

Miguel Ángel Pascual


Madrid, 1974.

Period of residence in Piramidón:

Since January 2000.

Work: Miguel Ángel Pascual’s painting moves between the iconic postmodern and the traditional baroque technique. Its narrative strategy consists in comparing images taken from a variety of sources to generate new meanings. These images, located in spaces called "not places" such as airports or train stations, are spaces of transit that work like iconographic containers whereby inserting different motives, they generates new discourses. His form of applying the paint is analytical, reproducing pixels and graphic effects and data-imaging mixed with gestural painting.

Latest exhibitions:

- Collections: Lapse, Quiosc Gallery, Tremp, 2013.

- Collections, Ferran Cano Gallery, Barcelona, 2011.

- Handbook, Ferran Cano Gallery, Palma de Mallorca, 2010





Carles Gabarró

Barcelona, 1956.

Period of residence in Piramidón:

Since January 1992.

Work: With a tendency toward repetition as the impetus of his works in series, Carles Gabarro is characterized by his creation of raw works, both fleshy and expressionist. The repeated motifs respond to an interest in learning about something that one can get to through the dedication of one’s life to it.

The painting, superimposed in thick layers, fills the whole of the canvas and finds pleasure in brutality, drips and accidents. The artist works quickly, favoring this leakage and its immediacy, recognizable throughout his entire body of work.

Latest exhibitions:

- Vanitas-Biblioteques, Museu de Montserrat, 2013. 

- Arborescences, Center d'Études Catalanes, Paris, 2012.

- The Factory, Juan Cabré Museum, Calaceite, Teruel, 2010.

- Entanglement, Galerie 10.5 , Paris, 2008.



Patricio Reig


San Juan, Argentina, 1959.

Period of residence in Piramidón:

Since February 1993.

Work: With photography as his current vehicle, the artist is interested in the historical and evolutionary aspect of photographic practice. The bringing together of hundreds of pictures from various corresponding countries at different moments in the life of anonymous people serves to nurture his own work based on study, analysis and understanding. He pursues the memory, the passage of time, and the fleeting nature of existence. The artist records aspects of everyday life and develops his analog works in a dark room. He then scans the results to convert them into digital files that are easy to consult. The result is converted to an everyday inventory that plays with both the unexpected and the more complex work.

Latest exhibitions:

- Eden, Juan Ruiz Gallery, Miami, 2012.

- Family album, Aquila 51, Milano, 2011. Fabrice Galvani Gallery, Toulose, 2009.

- Piramidón, Center for Contemporary Art, Barcelona, 2010.




Pedro Oliver

Palma de Mallorca, 1968.

Periodo de residencia en Piramidón: Febrero de 2002 - Junio de 2005 / Enero - Abril de 2013. 

Obra: Combinando pintura, escultura, animación y fotografía, Pedro Oliver imagina, critica y hace poesía con su obra. Mediante la creación y repetición de imágenes propias el artista crea su propio lenguaje para expresar su repulsión hacia el mundo actual. 

Su estética se acerca al universo del grafiti. Los negros, blancos, rojos, verdes y ocres se repiten paulatinamente, formando figuras y símbolos que nos recuerdan a la poesía visual más que a la pintura tradicional. 

De indiscutible contemporaneidad, Pedro Oliver lleva al límite las posibilidades del lenguaje pictórico con sus constantes iconos que se esconden para volver a aparecer nuevamente, incansablemente. 

Últimas exposiciones:

- A B S / AF RICA, Espai Cendra Deu, Barcelona, 2012.

- AF Rich / KAllaBaSh, Espai Kaleuxe, Palma, 2012.

- Kallabash, Les Paradis artificiels, Galería Por Amor à Arte, Oporto, 2010.  


José Ramón Bas


Madrid, 1964.

Period of residence in Piramidón:

Since 1998.

Work: Having started as self-taught in the world of photography, Bas, since his commencement, has been interested in the new forms of expression and the memory of travel. Traveller, photographer and artist; his work comes from a combination of these three terms. His photographs are based on a deep respect for the photographed; children who live far from the materialistic world. These snapshots are combined with collage and writing; complemented by, and coming to a complete and clear speech directed toward the viewer.

Latest exhibitions:

- The most beautiful land, Cuba, Casa de América, Madrid, 2012.

- JustMad 2012, Blanca Berlín, Madrid, 2102.

- Drive my car, Tagomago Gallery,Barcelona/Paris, 2012.






Esteve Casanoves

Oristà, Osona, 1954.

Period of residence in Piramidón:

June 1994 - July 2013

Work: Esteve Casanoves manifests himself through sculpture, painting, photography, video and installations with the intention to communicate with the viewer directly, without stammering. The artist investigates the environment of the intersections that occur between the different elements; the construction and deconstruction, movement and stillness. Poetry is breathed in his works that prove both strong and secure. His art is one that is both rhythmic and poetic, that far from figurative representation, becomes the mid-point between delirium and reason.
The artist investigates with materials, textures, spaces, and lights. His work appears to be a labyrinth, with trails and junctions that confuse the viewer with the aim of making one question his own path.

Latest exhibitions:
- Suspended time, Antonio Pérez Foundation, Cuenca, 2012.

David Bestué

Barcelona, 1980.

Period of residence in Piramidón:

December 2011 - February 2012.

Work: Author of the publications History of foam (2008), Enric Miralles on the left and the right (also without glasses) (2010) and Pure Formalism (2011), Bestué is situated on the summit of the contemporary art scene. After having been the 50% of the couple Bestué and Vives, the artist explores around the communicative strategies, seeking to go beyond that which is written.
Using different forms of expression, he looks for new ways to represent reality and explain things. As such, he uses uninhibited, ironic, and humorous language that allows direct communication with the viewer.

Latest exhibitions:

- Stones and poets, Estany de la Mota Gallery, Barcelona, 2013.
- Actions in the Universe (Bestué I Vives). Caixaforum, Barcelona, 2012.
- Difficult orders (Bestué i Vives). Galerie Crèvecoeur, Paris, 2011.


Juan Manuel Reyes

Mijas, Malaga, 1976.

Period of residence in Piramidón:

January 2008 - February 2011

Work: Investigating the topic of human vulnerability, Juan Manuel Reyes expresses, in his works, the fine line between what is alive and what is dead.
His work is seen inundated by a feeling of ambivalence between tenderness and brutality. Enormous faces, faded and devoid of defined features, show us their most remote and hidden side, that of their privacy. Fragility is palpable in some works that invite us to investigate another privacy; our own.

Latest exhibitions:
- El que avisa no es traidor, Punto Art Gallery, Barcelona, 2011.
- Scarface, Pyramidón Center for Contemporary Art, Barcelona, 2010.
- Biopsy, Cultural Center in Fuengirola, Malaga, 2008.

Amparo Sard

Manuel Antonio Domínguez


Alexandra Porta

 Barcelona, 1977. 

Periodo de residencia en Piramidón: Septimebre de 2014 - Junio de 2015.

Obra: Alexandra Porta trabaja con una amplia variedad de medios incluyendo el dibujo, la escultura, la fotografía y el grabado. 

El mar, las piedras, los cactus y los agujeros en las rocas han sido siempre una referencia en su trabajo, elementos que nos remiten a la intensidad y a la fragilidad que nos constituye como personas. 

Últimas exposiciones: 

- Hilozoismes. Dieu, moviment creatiu. Cadaqués. 2015.

- La vie est un cactus. Dieu, moviment creatiu. Barcelona. 2015.



Florencia de Titta

Buenos Aires, 1985. 

Periodo de residencia en Piramidón: Abril de 2015 - Agosto de 2015.

Obra: Pensar, ver, pintar o dibujar, traducir; son las acciones que motivan a la artista argentina Florencia De Titta. Su producción tiene que ver con la construcción de una propuesta orientada a presentar una experiencia, la del transcurrir a diario, a través del lenguaje visual.

El resultado es la transformación del transitar permanente, en calidad de tiempo de trabajo y reflexión; tiempo durante el cual se fortalece en el hacer: relación íntima que se genera entre el espacio de trabajo, el hacedor, sus competencias adquiridas y vividas, los materiales de trabajo y la práctica del oficio, desde el amor que lo motiva.

La acción de traducir, consiste en convertir su experiencia personal del tiempo y el ritmo de vida urbana en imágenes; fragmentos del transitar cotidiano que registra en fotografías, en dibujos, en palabras, fechas, horas… elementos diversos y significantes, de los cuales la artista se apropia para después descontextualizar.

Últimas exposiciones:

- Cronozonas I. (Comisaria, Roser Oduber), Centre d'Art Contemporani i Sostenibilitat (CACiS), Barcelona, 2015.

Los trabajos y los días(Comisario, Rodrigo Alonso), Galería Pasaje 17, Buenos Aires, 2011.

- 8va Edición Premio Proyecto A. Galería Proyecto A, Buenos Aires, 2009. 




Carlos Roig

Barcelona, 1960. 

Periodo de residencia en Piramidón:   Diciembre de 1991 - Abril de 2004

Obra: Carlos Roig fusiona pintura y escultura, a la vez que incorpora en sus obras materiales nuevos y poco habituales. La obra se refiere a sí misma, alejándose de la expresión individual y la evocación de sentimientos privados. 

Su lenguaje puede basarse en formas geométricas puras, de apariencia impecable, industrial y aparentemente más cercana al diseño que a la pintura. Paralelamente, el artista también puede acercarse a la naturaleza sin servirse de referencias claras a lo anatómico, debatiéndose entre la representación y el olvido de las ideas, omitiendo figuras y signos para crear espacios que resultan prácticamente vivos.

Últimas exposiciones:

- Galeria Antonio de Barnola, Barcelona, 2005. 

- Instituto Cervantes, Chicago, 2003. 

- Galeria Darby Louise, Barcelona, 2002.